The Street Children of Nanyuki

Thirty-one souls have been saved recently through our ministry in Nanyuki, Kenya!
Thirty-one souls have been saved recently through our ministry in Nanyuki, Kenya!

UPDATED: Nanyuki is located on the equator at the foot of Mt. Kenya at an elevation of over 6,000 feet, so it rarely gets very hot, but it is often quite chilly, especially for Africans, and especially if you are a child without a home. There are many children living on the street here with situations similar to those of the homeless children in Eldoret.

Pastor John and Esther have preached to the homeless and at an orphanage, Mwangaza Children's Home in Nanyuki. We have seen many salvations and one healing, so far, that we know of. Thanks to generous donations, we have been able to provide food, milk, feminine products, toothbrushes, soap, clothing, diapers, and medicine. We have received many requests from children who just want a chance at a loving home and a chance to go to school. 

We are happy to have a new partnership with an on-fire Church in Nanyuki, GCCI Word Chapel. Their Pastor and ministry team have similar ministry goals to our own. Together, we hope to purchase land, and build a self-sufficient orphanage and school complex, complete with crops and farm animals.